M.S. Informatics

Waki Kamino

M.S. in Informatics


Exploring the use of social robots to support a sense of purpose in older adults.


Pursuing a Ph.D. to contribute to the knowledge on how humanity and robotic technology intersects to inform the design of future social robots.

Track guide

Primary track faculty

Profile for Justin Wood

: Track Director

Informatics M.S. Director, Associate Professor of Informatics


The Master of Science in Informatics is a 36 credit degree program. Of the 36 required credit hours, at least 27 credits must be taken in approved informatics courses. The remaining 9 credits can be any graduate level course within or outside of the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, including Computer Science, Data Science, Information Library Science, and Intelligent Systems Engineering.

Available courses (must take 36 credits)

  • INFO I507 Introduction to Health Informatics (3 cr.)
  • INFO I520 Security for Networked Systems (3 cr.)
  • INFO I521 Malware Epidemic: Threat and Defense (3 cr.)
  • INFO I523 Big Data Applications and Analytics (3 cr.)
  • INFO I524 Big Data Software and Projects (3 cr.)
  • INFO I525 Organizational Informatics and Economics of Security (3 cr.)
  • INFO I526 Applied Machine Learning (3 cr.)
  • INFO I527 Mobile and Pervasive Design (3 cr.)
  • INFO I529 Machine Learning in Bioinformatics (3 cr.)
  • INFO I530 Field Deployments (3 cr.)
  • INFO I533 Systems and Protocol Security and Information Assurance (3 cr.)
  • INFO I535 Management, Access, and Use of Big Complex Data (3 cr.)
  • INFO I540 Human Robot Interaction (3 cr.)
  • INFO I541 Interaction Design Practice (3 cr.)
  • INFO I542 Foundations of HCI (3 cr.)
  • INFO I543 Interaction Design Methods (3 cr.)
  • INFO I544 Experience Design (3 cr.)
  • INFO I549 Advanced Prototyping (3 cr.)
  • INFO I561 Meaning and Form in HCI (3 cr.)
  • INFO I587 Introduction to Virtual Heritage (3 cr.)
  • INFO I588 Advanced Topics in Virtual Heritage (3 cr.)
  • INFO I590 Topics in Informatics (3 cr.)
  • INFO I591 Graduate Internship (3 cr.)
  • INFO I601 Introduction to Complex Systems (3 cr.)
  • INFO I604 Human Computer Interaction Design Theory (3 cr.)
  • INFO I606 Network Science (3 cr.)
  • INFO I609 Advanced Seminar I in Informatics (3 cr.)
  • INFO I709 Advanced Seminar II in Informatics (3 cr.)


The student must take 9 credits of any graduate level course within or outside of the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering, including Computer Science, Data Science, Information Library Science, and Intelligent Systems Engineering. The courses that each student takes must have a coherent focus within the general field of informatics.

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