
Are you interested in pursuing answers

to biological and medical research questions through training in informatics, computer science, life sciences, chemistry, and statistics? The bioinformatics track may be for you. This track focuses on:

  • Sequence pattern recognition
  • Comparative genomics
  • Structural genomics
  • Fragment assembly in DNA sequencing
  • Systems biology
  • Models of evolution
  • Molecular modeling
  • Drug design

This track will prepare you to become a top academic researcher or accomplished bioinformatics professional, in part through research collaborations with scientists at Indiana University, other institutions and research centers, and businesses.

Track guide

Primary track faculty

Profile picture of Volker Brendel

: Track Director

Computational genomics; plant genomics; social insect genomics.

Profile picture of Matthew Hahn

Genome-scale studies of organismal function and evolution.

Profile picture of Haixu Tang

Computational mass spectrometry; mobile genetic elements; genome privacy; bacterial genomics and metagenomics.

Profile picture of Yuzhen Ye

Computational metagenomics; protein bioinformatics; biological pathway reconstruction/analysis.


A student must successfully complete ninety (90) credit hours of graduate-level course work. The specific track requirements are listed below.

Required courses

In addition to the Informatics-wide requirements for INFO-I 501 and INFO-I 502 as well as two research rotation INFO-I 609 and/or INFO-I 709s, students in the Bioinformatics Track need to take the two bioinformatics core classes INFO-I 519 and INFO-I 529 and the seminar classes INFO-I 609 and INFO-I 708. All required courses provided by faculty in the Bioinformatics Track, including I609 and I709, are open to students from other tracks and programs.

  • Informatics Core Requirements (6 cr.)
    • INFO I501 Introduction to Informatics (3 cr.)
    • INFO I502 Human-Centered Research Methods in Informatics (3 cr.)
  • Bioinformatics Core Requirements (6 cr.)
    • INFO I519 Introduction to Bioinformatics (3 cr.)
    • INFO I529 Machine Learning in Bioinformatics (3 cr.)
  • Seminar Requirements (6 cr.)
    • INFO I609 Seminar I in Informatics (3 cr.)
    • INFO I709 Seminar II in Informatics (3 cr.)

NOTE: A student must take I609 and/or I709.

  • Research Rotation Requirement (6 cr.)
    • INFO I790 Informatics Research Rotation (3 cr.)

NOTE: A student must complete two rotations of I790. A third rotation will not count for course credit.

  • Theory and Methodology Requirement (12 cr.)

NOTE: These courses must be appropriate for a Ph.D. in Informatics.

  • Minor (6-15 cr.)

NOTE: A student must complete an internal or external minor approved by the University Graduate School and the School. If a student selects an individualized minor, prior to taking courses, the University Graduate School must approve the proposed minor course list. There is no typical minor; however, students in the Bioinformatics track often pursue a minor in Biology, Computer Science, or Statistics.

  • Electives (12-30 cr.)

NOTE: A student must have all electives approved by the student's advisor and the Director of Informatics Graduate Studies prior to enrolling in the course.

  • Thesis Reading and Research (minimum of 21 cr. and a maximum of 30 cr.)
    • INFO I890 Thesis Readings and Research

Optional courses

In addition to required courses, faculty in the track offer courses that provide more targeted training in specific areas.

  • INFO I590 Topics in Informatics: SNP Discovery and Population Genetics
  • CSCI B555 Machine Learning
  • CSCI B565 Data Mining