Health Informatics

Do you want to learn how to use cutting-edge technologies

to help people better understand, manage, and improve their health? The health informatics track may be for you.

Through your studies, you will have an impact on the research community and the world by empowering people to manage their health outside of a clinical setting. You might examine:

  • Population-based technologies, such as algorithms that use new data sources to better predict the spread of disease
  • Patient-facing technologies, such as applications patients can use to manage and improve their own health
  • Personalized medicine, which combines biology and chemistry to determine the best treatment for an individual based on their genome and other factors
  • Infrastructure technologies, such as computation that preserves privacy or data mining of a large amount of health data

Learn about related research

The Health Informatics group designs, develops, and evaluates intelligent learning systems to empower people to better understand, manage, and improve their health.

Visit the Proactive Health Lab

Track guide